Join Game

Here is what the page looks like when there is a game scheduled, click on ‘View Lobby’

Here is what the (Lobby) page looks like when there is a game scheduled, click on ‘view lobby’:

Then select ‘Join Game’:

Metamask will now pop up for you to confirm the transaction to join the game, select ‘Confirm’:

Your transaction to join the game MAY fail. If this happens you need to try again otherwise you will NOT be part of the next game.

Your ‘Join Game’ pop up window will look like this while you are waiting for the game to start - do not press ‘Leave Game’, just press X to close the window while you are waiting for the game to start:

This is what the lobby looks like once you have closed the ‘Join Game’ pop up window:

This is what the screen will look like when a game is ready to join - you can select ‘Enter Game’ under 'Active Games' or 'Your Games'.

Game loading screen:

The first time you load the game may take longer than expected and the progress bar may stop at or around 0%, 90% or 100% for extended periods of time. Subsequent game loads should be faster as the game will be cached.

Game is ready, and you will be zoomed in to view your tank.

Last updated