Championship Game

Prize Pool 2 โ€” Beta final tournament (250k TANKS)

Congratulations to the winner of the Beta final tournament!


The top 18 holders of Beta points when the โ€œopenโ€ phase of the tournament has concluded will be offered the opportunity to redeem half of their Beta points for a ticket to participate in the Beta final tournament.

The Open Phase will conclude on Saturday 12th February 2022, midday UTC. Top 18 holders of Beta points will be given SIX days (From Saturday 12th midday UTC to Friday 18th February midday UTC) to accept their invitation to join in the Beta final tournament. Unclaimed positions in the Beta final tournament are forfeited.

The Beta final tournament will take place on a Saturday at 10pm UTC, or, by two-thirds majority, another day or time agreed upon.

The Beta final tournament will be ONE game, played on the default beta map with up to 18 players with 60s per energy drop.

1st Place โ€” 175k TANKS 2nd Place โ€” 60k TANKS 3rd Place โ€” 10k TANKS 4th Place โ€” 5k TANKS

Last updated